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Tuesday 15 January 2013

Baked with love

During Christmas time I bake some Swedish goodies for all to enjoy.
I store them in red Christmas tins.
They are surely baked with lots of love♥

After the holidays there aren't many goodies left, 
but I still enjoy looking at my tins.


  1. I love to bake during the holidays, too. And for birthdays, or special occasions when the kids come home. The rest of the year I stay away from baking, because there are not enough people around (besides me) to eat it.
    But your cookie tins are very cheerful and pretty. It's no wonder that you enjoy having them out. Besides they go with the red decor that makes this house your home.

  2. Så fina burkar! Är de från Ikea eller?
    Jag tog bort julpyntet förra helgen för det var så grått och trist ute. Nästan all snö här inne i stan är borta från gator för nu är det mest is. I Kilsbergen kan man åka skidor för det gjorde vi i går. Lilla Malva åker slalom med sin pappa och vi andra åkte längdåkning. Det bli backåkning en annan dag.


  3. I bet the baked goods are awesome ~ the tins are certainly lovely ~

    (A Creative Harbor)

  4. Not many goodies left here but I have the added pounds to prove they were here,ha,ha.
    Your tins are so pretty! I would enjoy them year 'round.


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