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Sunday 9 January 2022

A family visit

A few days into the new year my Uncle came for a visit. He is my mum's oldest younger brother and the closest family I have here in kangaroo country, so I treasure his visits immensely. I was very close to my Mormor (maternal grandmother) when she lived here. Sadly she passed away in 2011 at the age of 90, She had already moved back to Sweden at that stage and the last time I saw her was in 2008... Gosh, I miss her! Having my Uncle pop in is the next best thing... The link to the past... to my family... 

Sunday 2 January 2022

New Year's Eve 2021 - Happy New 2022

New Year's Eve 2021... 🎉

We had a quiet night at home as per usual. This year hubby worked a day shift and was able to join the kids and I for New Year's Eve dinner which was lovely. Previous years he would have worked during the evening and through the night... 

Pork filet with salami and sundried tomatoes in a creamy sauce

The new year started the same way that 2021 ended, very low key. Hubby went o work and I had a sleep-in. I had prepared a Swedish sandwich cake that we had for dinner when we were all gathered in the evening. A pretty relaxed start of 2022...

Simple sandwich cake with smoked salmon, 
egg and fish roe, cucumber and dill...

Happy New Year!