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Sunday 9 January 2022

A family visit

A few days into the new year my Uncle came for a visit. He is my mum's oldest younger brother and the closest family I have here in kangaroo country, so I treasure his visits immensely. I was very close to my Mormor (maternal grandmother) when she lived here. Sadly she passed away in 2011 at the age of 90, She had already moved back to Sweden at that stage and the last time I saw her was in 2008... Gosh, I miss her! Having my Uncle pop in is the next best thing... The link to the past... to my family... 

Sunday 2 January 2022

New Year's Eve 2021 - Happy New 2022

New Year's Eve 2021... 🎉

We had a quiet night at home as per usual. This year hubby worked a day shift and was able to join the kids and I for New Year's Eve dinner which was lovely. Previous years he would have worked during the evening and through the night... 

Pork filet with salami and sundried tomatoes in a creamy sauce

The new year started the same way that 2021 ended, very low key. Hubby went o work and I had a sleep-in. I had prepared a Swedish sandwich cake that we had for dinner when we were all gathered in the evening. A pretty relaxed start of 2022...

Simple sandwich cake with smoked salmon, 
egg and fish roe, cucumber and dill...

Happy New Year! 

Thursday 30 December 2021

The Eve of New Year's Eve...

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, so today must be New Year's Eve Eve, right?! It's been very windy here in these parts of Queensland, a small amount of rain also surprised me in the middle of the day. Not sure how the weather will be tomorrow... In all honesty, the weather doesn't really matter. I have a lot of food prep to do and hubby is working a 12 hour day shift tomorrow and on New Year's Day. He'll be home for dinner... Normally he would work night shifts or evening shifts, so this year it feels nice that the whole family can celebrate NYE together! 

Tuesday 28 December 2021

Hello... Did you miss me?!

OMG... What a long blog break I have had! Hello everyone...

All of a sudden I lost all inspiration. I didn't want to share anything with the blog world. My hubby lost his job in 2018 and everything was thrown up in the air. He started dressing up our daughter's room, from a girls room to a pre teen room, and the rest of the house suddenly got very untidy to put it mildly... 

Hubby got another job which was awesome! Covid entered the world and everything was thrown upside down again, but this time with lockdowns, restrictions, mask mandates and a bit of home schooling... We were very lucky as hubby is considered an essential worker (Everyone who works to put food on the table is an essential worker in my eyes, but hey I'm not making the rules here...) and he was able to work through the lockdowns.

This year, I turned 48... and I also had another celebration - on the 9th of December I celebrated 20 years here in Kangaroo Country! Pretty good effort, if I say so myself. I swapped the Swedish Winter for the Australian subtropical climate... 

2022 its only days away and I hope that next year will be filled with peace, love and understanding! ...and hopefully more blog posts from me! 

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and best wishes for the new year!


Monday 9 July 2018

An evening out

We had an evening out with shopping and dinner.
A bit of holiday fun as a family during the weekend.

Next week is the last week of the school holiday... ♥

Sunday 8 July 2018


Jonah had his best friend Teariki over for a sleep-over

A quick visit to the skatepark before the rain...

Got to feed the growing boys... 
Pizza buns with bacon, basil and feta cheese is always a hit!

Back to the skatepark!!!

One of our family's favourite dishes...
Chicken thigh filets with rice.


Ice-cream time... 

...Or, my daughter is a unicorn!

Skatepark again ☺

...and another skatepark!!

Lily gets a bit bored watching the boys in the skatepark,
so we headed over to the playground for a bit.

Friday 6 July 2018

School Holidays

For all of you who already follow me on Instagram, you have probably noticed there have been lots of skatepark photos and videos lately... We have our two week Winter holiday from school at the moment so I have spend lots of time in the playground/skatepark with the kids.

It is so nice not to prepare school lunches each morning and catch buses every day.
Instead, spending time outdoors is so much more fun!

Thursday 28 June 2018

Hubby's 50th

Happy 50th to my Hubby

As Grant's birthday was on a school night we didn't have a party or anything. I still made my husband a cake though, and gave him a present. Can't turn 50 without a slice of cake and a present! 

On the weekend after hubby's birthday we were invited to a family dinner at his parent's house as hubby's Uncle and Aunt happened to be visiting from Melbourne. 

Make a wish... ♥

♥ Greetings from all of us ♥